DLATT (Dancing Laughing All The Time) – 歌曲簡介 以著名新疆民謠”青春舞曲”之輕快獨特旋律。 唱出一種活在當下,樂在其中,開心齊起舞的快樂。 更鼓勵以積極正面態度,去欣賞日出日落,花開花謝的每一天。
DLATT (Dancing Laughing All The Time) In line with the popular Xinjiang Uygur folk song :”Dance of Youth (Time will pass us by)”, the song is sung with a light tonality which has uniquely extracted the beauty and vitality spirit of folk songs. Through its beautiful melodies, the song has awakened us to seize the day for us, we only live once. Let’s embrace the present moments, find happiness within by dancing together joyfully. It has further encouraged us to believe in oneself, be optimistic for the future is bright to be.
Be appreciative of the day from sunrise to sunset, from flowers in full bloom to their withering touch.